Adrian and Tricia Murray-Leslie’s Summer Barbecue
Last Saturday Adrian and Tricia Murray-Leslie welcomed the YND group, and other club members, to a barbeque in their beautiful garden.
Members travelled from far and wide, many arriving in three wheelers, with sixteen cars parked up in the driveway. What a range of models! – Adrian and Tricia’s own 2-speeder Blackburne, Jap and Matchless three-speeders, a wide range of F-types, and several 5-speeders, and a Fraser Nash also joining the party.
Adrian and Tricia were kept busy all afternoon feeding us and making us all feel very welcome in their lovely garden, and although the forecast was for a dull and overcast day, don’t believe all you read, the sun came out and the afternoon and evening were beautifully sunny.
After all the lockdowns there was plenty of catching up and socialising to be done and with such an array of cars to look at there was plenty to talk about. The Charity Bring and Buy stall also kept us entertained in guessing the parts and general retail therapy.
A massive thank you to Adrian and Tricia for a really lovely afternoon.
Photos Curtesy of Andrew Warren & Steve Thompson