Another Great Event!
A few statistics on this year’s Training Day – from Michael Joseph.
A total of 134 people attended. Over 125 pre-booked this year, only 7 turning up and paying on the day. Not just Morgan “chaps” but toddlers, children, wives, girlfriends, lots of oldies, prospective owners, and lapsed members rejoining. Paul Tunnicliffe came in his Morgan which he had bought 7 days previously. He’s about to join the Club.
A good display of cars with a wide selection of models all labelled up with their details.
This event really does reach out, connect and engage the wider membership with several dormant members coming out of the woodwork. One guy said he has had 3 cars in his garage which have been under covers for 30 years. Lots of rebuilds are now under way following last year’s Training Day.
Just one little section of Roy Summerscales “Essentials Toolkit”.
Cigarette papers, pliers and the grubbiest toothbrush we’ve seen for a while.
Click to see the rest of the collection.
Gary Caroline croons to his Super Sports J.A.P.
And a few comments from the assembled throng:
……… Sam Savage |
……… Michael Morton |
……… George Dobson |
……… Jack Pearson |
……… Roger Edmonds |
……… Roy Halford |
……… Peter Jolly |
……… Ian Patton |
……… Richard Atherton |
……… Tim Cox |
……… Roy Plummer |
……… Andrew Joliffe |
……… David Abraham |
……… Peter Pattinson |
……… Terry Green |
……… Brian Galbraith |
……… Andy Butler |
……… John English |
……… Nev Lear |
……… Doug Yates |
……… Chris Drinkwater |
……… Dave Thomlinson |
……… Tony East |
……… Roger Comber |
……… David Gandy |