VSCC Prescott Speed Hillclimb 5th/6th August
The ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Vintage Sports-Car Club year, their long-established Prescott Speed Hill Climb took its traditional slot on the first weekend in August, with 250 Pre-war Racing and Sports-Cars taking on the challenge of the traditional 880 yard course – first established by the VSCC in 1938.
No fewer than 6 club members entered VSCC Prescott in Morgan Three Wheelers. Hannah Enticknap was there too, but driving the Morgan-derived Salome which she shared with Pete Dobbin to good effect. To complete the family line-up, Ben Enticknap was driving the GN Phoenix Special and claimed 2nd Vintage in his class.
In alphabetical order driving Morgans we had:
- Sue Darbyshire back in the racing Super Aero.
- Pete Enticknap in his Super Aero.
- Jim Edwards in his Two-Speeder Family (his second trip to the hill this year).
- Angus Frost in the Justin Maeers Super Aero.
- Roland Schäublin who lives in Switzerland drove drove the original looking Super Aero which has the body originally fitted to Henry Laird’s car “Yellow”.
- Paul Tunnicliffe in his Three Speeder MX2 powered Super Sports.
Assorted words:
Dennis Rushton(club photographer) “Roland was so enthusiastic in practice, he put the car on its side at Pardon, on his first run. The Marshals told me Roland got out and pushed the car back onto its wheels, before they had even began to move. When I looked at the car, I could see no damage. Unfortunately, the Morgan developed a bad misfire and Roland didn’t make his second timed run.”
Sue Darbyshire (No. 295) “Jim had shifting flywheels and Angus had fuel delivery problems. I think Paul Tunnicliffe had trouble free runs. Pete Enticknap had a great weekend, his car jumped out of gear on Saturday but he solved that for Sunday and he improved his times on every run. His smile lit up the whole paddock.
Roland enjoyed himself despite his tip up. His was a very steep learning curve but he says he is not put off.
As for myself we had a broken float on Saturday and very poor performance on Sunday. The new engine was back on albeit with cracked crank cases still as we don’t have any uncracked ones but this set is less cracked than the other engine.”
Jim Edwards (No. 27) “Prescott had a good turnout of Morgans. Most had a successful weekend. Sadly not me. Only managed Saturday practice. The internal flywheels shifted so I have spent all week rebuilding the engine… just in time for Mallory tomorrow! It has been running this morning so I’ll be heading there tonight.”