The Club National Opening Run will be at the Crich Tramway Village on Sunday 16th April starting at 11am. (The photo is from the 2016 Opening Run when we had 65 Morgan threewheelers) I’m also planning an approximately forty mile run on the Saturday afternoon starting at Cromford Mill at 2pm and taking in the fabulous Peak District scenery, a stop in Bakewell and then return to Cromford Mills. Please let me know in advance if you plan to come so I know how many maps/route cards to produce. In 2016 we had 65 threewheelers there, so make an effort and we can break that record!
Entry to the Tramway Village for members driving a Morgan (3 or 4 wheeler) or Vintage/post vintage car is free. Passengers pay the standard entry which you can find details of on the website. ( There is a special car park for trailers and Morgans will be queued at the entrance booth and allowed down (at 5mph max) when they are in no danger of being mowed down by a tram! Remember, be very nice and polite to the staff as they are almost all volunteers and are themselves very nice.
There is a café there that serves food and drinks and there are various under-cover areas including the tram sheds if the weather is bad. It’s also dry in the trams when you take your free ride included in the entry.
There will be the usual Concours with rosettes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd for 2 Speeders, 3 Speed Twins, F Types and 5 Speeders (which includes Super 3s)
Ben Wildsmith has had a generous offer from and old colleague who is in charge of the workshops and who has undertaken to do two guided tours for up to 15 people each time. The work undertaken includes every aspect of restoration and maintenance. Currently a unique London tram is nearing the end of a £500,000 ground up restoration including mechanics, woodwork, coach painting, sign writing and gold leaf stripes, specially recreated upholstery fabrics and more. No open toed footwear (as if you would) or trainers please! Don’t delay booking with Ben on 07885 596629 or [email protected]
Navigation: Please Note that currently the B5053 from Cromford to Crich is closed due to a landslip. It is scheduled to re-open at the end of March but it would be wise to check. Also, currently access to the Tramway Village is just past the road closed signs. Do not be deterred!
Adrian Murray-Leslie