The article below is featured in December’s ‘The Automobile’ magazine. Written by Marcus Rowe, it tells of his exploits in Paul Jowitt’s Morgan Three-Wheeler which he is currently borrowing through the Classic Car Loan Project.
Commenting on the article Bob Wilkinson from the Classic Car Loan Project writes:
Hi All,
Firstly, I wish to congratulate Marcus on his excellent article in The Automobile….I really enjoyed the story. The style of article will go down well with classic car buffs! Paul will be justifiably proud to see his car being enjoyed.
A big thank you for the implicit recognition of the CCLP and the overall important aim of attracting the next generation. The MTWC has done a great deal to meet this aim in recent years.
The older classic scene is often perceived as embracing cars which are very difficult to drive, hard to obtain parts for, and generally not for the younger generation. This article will go a long way to dispel those arguments. Importantly, it shows that younger drivers are up for the challenge.
Well done all.
Bob Wilkinson.
From Bob Wilkinson (founder of the Classic Car Loan Project)