Morgan Three Wheeler Club Library Glass Negatives


During a recent review of the Morgan Three Wheeler Club library collection, a box was found containing seven large-format, 7” x 5” glass negatives depicting early motorcycles.

The list included in the box also indicated that there should have been an additional five negatives as follows:-

Two veteran cars in a rural scene

MAG-engined Grand Prix Morgan three-wheeler in a mountainous landscape cWWI

Ditto, front view

Ditto, Side view

JAP-engined Grand Prix Morgan three-wheeler cWWI with veteran motorcycle on a lakeside road

Unfortunately, these appear to have been lost.

Further research and input via club members has identified more information about the subjects and some associated photos have been located. 

A number have been provided by Mike Duff, whose parents wrote a history of the Westmorland Motorcycle Club and I have been told that similar photos are held by the museum in Kendal.

Prints have been obtained from the negatives by the somewhat crude method of placing them on a translucent plastic board in front of a light bulb and taking photographs of them with a digital SLR.   The resulting images were then corrected for colour and parallax error and converted into positives.

The photos and information obtained about them are identified in the table below.

Any additional information about the people, machines or venues depicted in these photographs would be gratefully received.

Dave Anscombe

Email: [email protected]



One Arm

One Arm.

Group Newfield Inn Seathwaite

Group Newfield Inn, Seathwaite



Two Triumphs

Three Triumphs

Mary Riley Enfield 8HP

Mary Riley, Enfield

Wounded Soldiers Thirlmere

Wounded Soldiers, Thirlmere.

Mije Duff 21 Wounded Soldiers outing Dunmail Raise 1916

Mike Duff 21. Wounded Soldiers Outing, Dunmail Raise, 1916

Mike Duff 20 Wounded soldiers outing Keswick 1916

Mike Duff 20. Wounded Soldiers outing, Keswick. 1916

Photo Title Subject Motorcycle Types Information Source Registr-ations
Combo Motorcycle combination on off-road track with spectators Unknown May be on Orton Scar Mike Duff
One Arm Combination on off-road excursion by munition workers.

Rider has no left arm

6HP AJS Harry Whinnerah, Walnah Scar c. 1917

Despite his lack of limb, he took his outfit over all manner of unmetalled passes, Hardknott and Wrynose being two. He is also one of the outfits taking the injured servicemen for the outing past Thirlmere 1916 and is 2nd from the left in the Seathwaite picture.

Also shown as “Press” on the announcement for the injured servicemen’s outing.

Sadly, we’re not allowed motor vehicles on Walna Scar road any longer

See article below from

Mike Duff

Roger Harrison

Internet search

Group Group of solo motorcycles and two combinations Various Outside Newfield Inn, Seathwaite (which still exists) at the foot of Stonythwaite Rake.

Taken during an excursion around the area (see article below)

Harry Whinnerah is 2nd from left.

Roger Harrison

(Mike Duff has more photos of that day)

B1606, FO812
Solo Solo Motorcycle on trial Unknown AO2363
Two Triumphs Combination on a trial with two solos spectating Triumph Two, possibly three early Triumphs Chance encounter at NMM
Mary Riley Lady rider of combination on steep gradient c1920? 8HP Enfield Mary Riley was a well-known early lady rider.

More information about her has been found on the internet and is included below.

Internet via Dave Anscombe O9287
Wounded Soldiers, Thirlmere 1916 Group of motorcycle combinations in front of a lake. The sidecar occupants are wearing Army peaked caps. Various This photo was taken in front of Thirlmere in the Lake District when the Westmorland Motor Cycle Club (later Westmorland Motor Club) organised an outing for wounded soldiers on 16th July 1916.

Thirlmere has since been extended and deepened and the small island in the lake is apparently no longer visible.

See also photos 19, 20 and 21 supplied by Mike Duff.  These show that the vehicles used also included a charabanc and at least one or possibly two Morgan Three Wheelers.

Mike Duff

Roger Harrison

EC1913, EC904, EC1409
19 Wounded soldiers Announcement of Wounded Soldiers Sidecar Outing, 16th July 1916 None According to the report on the outing, (see below), G.W. Braithwaite, who is described as both “whipper-in” and “official repairer” was in a Morgan three wheeler. Mike Duff
20 Wounded soldiers outing, Keswick 1916 Three combinations and a Morgan Indian EC914

2nd from left

Taken outside the Queen’s Hotel.

One-armed Harry Whinnerah on the left hand combination

Also visible is an early Morgan Three Wheeler with registration ??4529

Mike Duff EC914, EC1866
21 Wounded soldiers outing Dunmail Raise, 1916 Group of sidecar outfits, two Morgan Three Wheelers and a car/charabanc Various

Morgan Standard

Morgan Grand Prix

Dunmail Raise (from Grasmere over to Keswick) was still an unmade track in 1916. It had been a special test section for the 1901 1000 miles trial organised by the “Motor Union”. Mike Duff EC514, EC1364(?)

Sadly, none of the registration numbers I have been able to decipher are recognised by the DVLA, so these machines presumably no longer existEarly Photographs

 A lot more information is contained in the now updated (25th Feb-23) document below.

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