The North West Group Goes Potholing
NW Group Opening Run – Sunday 12th May

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The car park lineup before the run

Sunday 12th May was the day of the North West Group’s Opening Run.  Beautiful weather, a good turnout and a bit of potholing. The first pothole was encountered in Fryer’s Café car park. So deep we almost lost a couple of Morgans and a traffic cone. Suitably refreshed, nine crews in Morgans set off on Bob Barlow’s scenic route around the lanes of Cheshire, followed by Dennis and Wendy Rushton in the MX5. It wasn’t long before Jonathan Garside wrong-slotted and then failed to catch up with the group. He and Richard repaired to The Whipping Stocks for a beer. The rest of the group bounced along through lovely countryside on narrow lanes, enjoying the company and the scenery.


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Parked up for the barbeque



Thirty miles or so brought us to TD Green’s daughter’s new house where Nicky and Chris hosted a wonderful barbeque. Super hosts, especially given that they were only just moving in to the house and a removal van turned up while we were chatting! Plenty of burgers thanks to TD. Super route thanks to Bob Barlow. Great weather thanks to Trevor Gill and no breakdowns although TD said he’d lost three fillings and the bodywork seemed to be parting from the chassis thanks to East Cheshire’s road maintenance team.



What a wonderful do!

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Burgers and banter