MTWC Awards presented at the 2019 AGM Weekend.
Opening Run Concours
2-Speeder | Wembley Trophy | Graham Slater | 1930 Super Aero |
3–Speeder | Harrow Trophy | Dave Thomlinson | 1935 Family |
F-Type | Malvern Trophy | Len Critchlow | 1936 F4 |
5-Speeder | 3-Wheeler Trophy | Richard Freeman | 2016 3W |
Doris Budd Trophy
Awarded to the most enthusiastic lady member – Maggie Bridge
Helping Hand Award
The member giving most assistance to other members during the year – Dave Pittuck
George Evans Trophy
The member using his 2-speeder to the greatest effect on the road – Jim Edwards
Michelle Pearson Shield
Awarded to a young Club member enthusiastically involved with Morgan Three Wheelers – Angus Frost.
Chairman’s Cup
Awarded by the Chairman to the Club Officer he feels has carried out his duties efficiently and used his Morgan to great purpose – Steve Lister
The Editor’s Awards
Technical article – Ian Brett
General interest article – Brian Watts
Beatrice Willis Trophy
The Lady member putting exceptional effort into the running of the Club – Val Hughes
Esprit De Corps The Leavens Award – presented in recognition of the generosity of spirit that typified John and Barbara Leavens’ membership of the MTWC – Mike and Marie Guess
Peggy Rowell Trophy
Presented to the Lady travelling the furthest to the AGM Dinner in a pre-1952 Morgan Three Wheeler – Maureen Lake
Wishbone Trophy
Presented to the person or couple travelling furthest to the AGM Dinner in a 5-Speeder – Roger and Liz Broomfield.
George Rowell Cup
Awarded to the person driving the furthest to the AGM in a pre-1952 Morgan Three Wheeler – jointly to Gary Caroline and Trevor Seymour
AGM Concours
Overall Winner | Mercury Trophy | Graham Slater | 1930 Super Aero |
Most travelled | RACE Trophy | Gary Caroline | 1932 Super Sports |
2-Speeder | Wine & Honey | Clive Peacock | 1931 Family |
3-Speeder | Wine & Honey | Chris Dickson | 1935 Super Sports |
F-Type | Wine & Honey | Jerry Rae | 1939 F-Super |
5-Speeder | Wine & Honey | Roger Broomfield | 2012 3W |
Group Enthusiast Awards
East Midlands | Andy Warren |
Herts, Beds and Bucks | Richard Bowerman |
Lancs and Lakes | Roger Harrison |
Scotland & North-East | Paul Jowitt |
North West | Tim Green |
South Coast | Dave Pittuck |
South West | Doug Forbes |
West Midlands | Graham Slater |
YND | Eric Eadon and Tony Pearson |