Michael Kügelgen, who lives not far from Bonn in Germany, bought his bright red JAP powered Super Sports in 2012 and spent quite a lot of time restoring the car. The results speak for themselves, it’s a lovely car.
Michael’s grateful for all the help he received during the restoration:
“First of all there is Tim Cameron, who gave me a lot of very important information and his son, who also helped me a lot and organized some spares. Steve Lister shed some light on the history of my car and Roger Orford sold me the nice conversion to the 12V alternator. By the way: I am also using the 25 Gel Battery lying flat under the seat to reduce the weight and keep the CG low. Last but not least there is Grahame Joseph and Brian Clutterbuck, who also gave me very helpful advice and links. For sure I overlooked the one or other, but all these fellows are from the Club and they all helped me a lot and in a very fair and friendly way – I have never seen this way of cooperation before.”
He’s used the car quite a lot too:
“Now we have a wonderful running machine and made the first place at the Rheinbach Classics in July and also the best of show. And we were also invited to the quite famous Schloss Dyck event in August where we had nice races around the track.”
When he was at the prestigious Schloss Dyck event, he met up with two other three wheeler owners: Hans-Jörg Hübner with his very original 1937 Matchless Barrel Back and Rolf Engler from Switzerland with his hairy supercharged JAP engined projectile. Rolf was at the Klausenrennen event at the end of September and gave some other Morgans a run for their money.
Here are a few photos from the weekend. To view the photo gallery, click on any of the photos to bring up a larger version. You can scroll forwards and backwards using the [,] and [.] keys. Press [ESC] or click on the image to Exit.
- On track. Michael heads Hans Jörg Hübner
- Michael heads out past the Shell Station
- Three tricyclaristes have a chat in the paddock.
- On the track. Rolf Engler passes Michael
- Michael meets Hans Jörg Hübner
- The cockpit, showing the cutaway steering wheel and the foot throttle.
- Rolf Engler’s Mighty JAP
- Rolf relaxes