News About This Years AGM
The 2021 MTWC AGM & Rally Weekend
17th-19th September 2021
Well, it looks as though the Covid shackles are slowly loosening. At the beginning of March I sent an email to all those who attended the 2019 AGM and Rally to gauge the enthusiasm to attend this year’s event at Leamington Spa in September. I am delighted to report that there was an overwhelming appetite to get back to some sort of normality. Many members have already been vaccinated and it looks like we will all have been fully vaccinated by the summer.
So, the plan is to wait until the Covid Lockdown has progressed a bit more through April and then to include the AGM and Rally Booking Form with the May Bulletin and on the MTWC website. Watch this space!
If for some reason the Covid situation regresses and we did have to cancel the AGM, rest assured that all bookings will be fully refundable!
Here are the provisional details.
The venue is Woodland Grange, 2.3 miles from the centre of Royal Leamington Spa. See
The dates are 17th-19th September 2021.
Friday afternoon: Scenic runs for those early arrivals who fancy a spin. Or just relax and settle in with a free coffee/tea and some snacks
Friday evening: Informal, unless we can think of something! There will be an optional 2 course fork supper for those who want it. And probably a silent bar quiz.
Saturday Morning. The Spares Fair as usual.
Saturday Afternoon: The Grand Rally in the grounds of Woodland Grange, displaying all the Morgan 3Ws attending and the Concours judging. As in 2019, we are planning other activities such as wine tasting, apiculture, Morris/Morgan dancing etc…
Saturday Evening: The Rally Dinner, including the Award of Prizes (part 1), a Mystery After Dinner Speaker and musical entertainment.
Sunday morning: The AGM and the Award of Prizes (part 2).
Sunday afternoon: Further opportunities for some scenic runs and other side events for those staying through till Monday morning.
Bookings: Details of Costs and a Booking Form will appear in the May issue of the Bulletin.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to Royal Leamington Spa over the weekend of 17th-19th September!
Paul Jowitt
Phone 0131 225 7583 or email [email protected]