Albert Ball,Virtual Meeting. Result!

This meeting was a first on this scale. 21 people asked and were invited to participate in the meet on Zoom.
Only one failed to get in to the meeting ( by losing the invite)
All the regular Albert Ball attendees were there which was good and it was decided to allow a few others to join the meeting. These members were from UK, USA, Spain and South of France. It was really good to be able to put faces to names and there was quite a bit of banter before the meet started.
The meeting started promptly at 20.00 hrs chaired ably by Chris Golding. To help the newcomers he gave a short talk on the background to Albert Ball’s life. Then Mark Henry performed the commemoration to Albert Ball’s life as he does so well each year at the graveside in Annouellin, France. There was then a minute’s silence.
Chris then introduced a special guest, Rich Duisberg of Motorpunk magazine. Rich is a great guy and those of us who have attended Albert Ball meetings, since the first, know him well. He gave us a short talk in his own inimitable style and showed us some interesting concept pictures that MotorPunk came up with ( see the MTWC Facebook page) or click the link here
After this Chris opened up the meeting for chat and it all went well even with the limitations of Zoom. The new people were welcomed and were involved in a lot of the discussions telling us about themselves and learning about the group and how we meet up many times for social get togethers and holidays. ( lets hope this can restart in the future, although it may be some time). It was clear that the group were treating it as an evening out (though at home). Quite an amount of alcohol was consumed and the meeting went on for almost two hours by which time the banter was vibrant to say the least.
The meet was then reluctantly ended.
I would like to give thanks to Chris, Mark and Rich for their contribution, to everyone who virtually attended, it was great to see all those familiar faces that we are missing so much, and so good to be in touch with M3W owners around the globe, who were welcome to join in our meet.
Amazingly you lot have asked for more group Zoom meets, so as we soon would have been on our way to the Isle of Man it would be apt to do a virtual IOM meeting.
Watch for details soon I am working on it.
From Ian Parkinson