Broseley Festival of Motorcycling – West Midlands Group
In early August, five Morgan Three-wheelers joined about a hundred and eighty motorcycles for the Broseley Festival of Motorcycling.
The run started with a steep climb up what was an early hill-climb course from the Coalport Bridge up the side of the Severn valley. The gradient and hairpin bends were a challenge for Bob’s Derricott’s trike but he succeeded in reaching the top and managed to avoid oncoming traffic.
A pleasant run through Ironbridge Gorge and part of Shropshire, with many locals turning out to wave us past, ended in a takeover of Broseley High Street, which was filled with bikes and trikes of all ages.
Over £750 was raised for the local Blood Bikers and Community First Responders by this very friendly and well-organised event.
Words and photos courtesy of Dave Anscombe.